понедельник, 09 января 2006
Tsukino Usagi "tsuki no usagi" -
"лунный кролик" TSUKI - Луна, NO - приставка к слоговой азбуке - кана, usagi - кролик
читать дальшеMizuno Ami "mizu no ami" - "friend of water" MIZU - water, NO - field, plain; ami - "following of beauty"; A - come after; MI - beauty; ami - friend, net.
Hino Rei "hi no rei" - "soul of fire" HI - fire; NO - field, plain; rei - soul, spirit.
Kino Makoto "ki no makoto" - "sincerity of tree" KI - tree, wood; NO - field, plain; makoto - faithfulness, sincerity.
Aino Minakо "ai no minako" - "beauty child of love" AI - gold, metal; ai - love; The reading of this kanji is more important than its meaning. The kanji means "gold" or "metal", but the word "ai" means "love". NO - field, plain; MI - beauty; NA - what? KO - child; the kanji in "minako" can also be read as "binasu", which is the Japaneese pronuncuation of "Venus"
Chiba Mamoru "chiba mamoru" - "protect the Earth" CHI - earth, ground; The "CHI" kanji is one used in "chikyuu", which means Earth. This reference to the planet Earth is important. BA - place; mamoru - to protect.
Chibiusa "chibi usa" - small rabbit" chibi - a very small person; usa (short from usagi) - rabbit.
Ten'ou Haruka "ten'ou haruka" - "sky king is distant" ten'ou - "sky king"; TEN - sky, heavens; OU - king; haruka - far away, distant.
Kaiou Michiru "kaiou michiru" - "sea king rises" kaiou - "sea king"; KAI - sea, ocean; OU - king; michiru - to be filled, to rise.
Meiou Setsuna "meiou setsuna" - "dark king is momentary" meiou - "dark king"; MEI - dark; OU - king; setsuna - instant, momentary.
Tomoe Hotaru "to moe hotaru" - "land sprout firefly" tomoe - "land sprout"; TO - land, earth; MOE - sprout (verb); tomoe - whirl. The word "tomoe", without these particular kanji, means "a whirl" or "a comma - shaped heraldic design".
Seiya Kou "sei ya kou" - "star plain light" SEI - star; YA - field, plain; KOU - light.
Yaten Kou "ya ten kou" - "night sky light" YA - night; TEN - sky, heaven; KOU - light.
Taiki Kou "taiki kou" - "air light" taiki - air, atmosphere; TAI - big; KI - spirit, energy; KOU - light.
Chibichibi "chibichibi" - "little by little", "bit by bit"